Thursday, April 27, 2017

Disrupting Talent Development with Revolutionary Assessment Tools

Employee engagement in the US has been hovering at about 30% for a decade. Despite numerous attempts by companies to move the needle via surveys, engagement initiatives and tantalizing perks, the majority of employees remain mostly “ho hum” about their companies, their jobs, their leaders.

Gallup, who does ongoing analysis of employee engagement, had this to say, “Creating a culture of engagement requires a company to take a close look at the critical engagement elements that align with performance and with the organization’s human capital strategy. Managers and leaders should keep employee engagement top of mind – because every interaction with employees can have an impact on engagement and organizational performance.”

So what’s a company to do? How do they get that closer look at critical engagement elements – effective leadership, a sense of purpose, career development, communication, meaningful work – to motivate and retain employees? One tool that companies use is psychometric assessments. Yet many of the companies that use them are using the same old assessments year after year, some of which were created back in the 1940s. As someone once said, you can’t keep doing the same thing and expect different results.  Many of those older tools are mired in old thinking. They focus on “typing” people or putting them into categories or boxes without acknowledging the vast complexities of the human personality. They measure human doings versus exploring human beings.

It's time for a different approach.

Lumina Learning is disrupting the world of talent development through its revolutionary psychometric tools, which are bias-free, jargon-free, empirically measured, and based on the Latest Big 5 research. The Big 5 Personality Traits are:
1.       Open to Experience
2.       Conscientiousness
3.       Extraversion
4.       Agreeableness
5.       Neuroticism

National Geographic’s publication Your Personality Explained, called the Big 5 the cutting edge approach to measuring personality because it doesn’t categorize people as “types,” but rather empirically and scientifically measures each of their 5 personality factors for a more unique and comprehensive picture.

Typing individuals not only limits their potential, but can give them an easy out when explaining their behavior. For example, if someone is typed as a take-charge personality, they may think it gives them license to step on toes or be overly aggressive to get things done. “That’s just who I am.”

Lumina Learning’s assessment, Lumina Spark, recognizes the complex contradictions that make each one of us unique. For example, an individual may have both introvert AND extravert qualities; they can be tactical AND strategic; they can focus on results, AND also care about the people.

The Lumina framework embraces the fact that each individual possesses opposing personality traits. It’s “AND” thinking versus “EITHER/OR” thinking. Lumina embraces the paradox. 

Lumina Spark achieves this more comprehensive view by looking at 8 aspects and 24 qualities, and measuring these along a continuum to create a unique portrait for each individual. And it goes deeper.  Each quality is measured for three personas:

1.       Your Underlying persona – who you are most naturally
2.       Your Everyday persona – how you “show up” based on what’s required of you at work
3.       Your Overextended persona – how you behave under stress

The Lumina model is built around understanding ourselves and others so that we can adapt our behavior and communicate and work better together. Individuals are complex, and should not be placed in boxes, limiting the beliefs about their effectiveness, their capabilities and their ability to develop and expand.

“Spark” employee engagement by giving your people the latest tools to discover and apply their full potential.

Want to learn more? Contact us at to learn about upcoming Lumina events. 

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